Historical background
There are many stories and legends about the battles of 1361. One of them mentions that the burghers in Visby kept the city gates closed, and refused to let the peasants in. We do not know if this is true or not. It might just be that the Danish forces were already in place, blocking the path for the Gotlanders, and forcing them to fight outside the walls.
In our scenario, the Danes have arrived and the Gotlanders are forced to make a stand outside the city.
The next battle will take place Saturday the 9th of August 2025.
Some facts about the battle:
– 1185 skeletons from the battle have been found in mass graves outside Visby.
– The Franciscans of Visby mention that 1 800 Gotlanders fell in the battle.
– There is a stone cross that commemorates the battle. It was likely put up in conjunction with the events. It bears an inscription about the fallen Gotlanders.
Video clips
Gotland: Visby’s Last Stand | Medieval Dead | Timeline
The Battle of Wisby 2019 – Shot in 150 MPix – Making of
1361: The Medieval Massacre Of Sweden | Medieval Dead | Chronicle
The soldiers of ”the battle of wisby 1361”